Adrian Daniel Castillo

Los Angeles / New York

Adrian Castillo has been piercing for over a decade; originating from the west coast of Southern California and branching out to New York for the last number of years he has created an aesthetic that is highly sought after; becoming known for his custom curated piercings. Taking smaller pieces and putting them in places often looked over to build a unique concept for the individual. His minimalist aesthetic has been a stand out look in contemporary piercing. Also noted for his calming bedside manner and particular attention to organic detail, which are highly reviewed and has gained a loyal following from creatives, movie stars, fashion icons, and taste makers.  He now pierces at 108 (J. Colby Smith) collective’s private studios in both Los Angeles and Brooklyn, splitting his time evenly between both cities he is available every month in each city by appointment.

Quickly becoming known for his work in New York and recognized by outlets such as Teen Vogue, Elle, NPR, Vice, Buzz Feed, Nylon and Marie Claire; Adrian has left his mark in his industry.

When Adrian isn’t creating with his piercing he is expressing himself in mediums such as photography, writing, and playing  his music. 

                “There are no norms / All people are exceptions to a rule that doesn’t exist”